wells fargo

I rember being told by Paul or Joe that "Frank" was the last harness maker for the Wells Fargo stagecoaches. I have contacted Wells Fargo historical archive dept. and am awiating an answer. Does any one have info on this?
Also, does anyone care??

1 comment:

Christine said...

Hi Tony...I e-mailed Wells Fargo:

On Jul 17, 2009, at 3:29 PM, historicalservices@wellsfargo.com wrote:

Hello Chris,

Thank you for your interest in Wells Fargo's history.

Wells Fargo did not distribute saddles. Purchases were local, and personnel usually brought their own equipment. Your ancestor's products surely may have been a possession of someone who worked for Wells Fargo, but the saddles were not made specifically for the company.

In addition, Wells Fargo & Co.'s Express was transported aboard stagecoaches and delivery wagons. Our messengers and drivers were not riding horse back.

Hope this helps!

Charles Riggs
Wells Fargo Historical Services

It didn't seem that Mr. Riggs was really too interested in divulging any "details" of those employed -