Uncle Chick

While working at Caesar's Rest. this conversation took place.
I was talking to Mr. Mullins. He asked if I was Italian and I said that my Mom was a Luchetti. He responed "Tom McCarthy" who was his best friend growing up (my Mom's cousin Marilyn Luchetti married Tom). I said that I was a Bosque and he replied, Chick Kelly. Twice I mention last names and he responded with the names of an uncle. He lived next door to Chick who was a little older but they walked to school together. One time while hanging out at the Grove and swinging on a rope swing, Chick-who was in 8th grade and strong-took a running leap, grabbed the rope, swung out farther than anyone else, and the rope snappedand he flew into some tress and fell to the ground. refused to admit that he was hurt.


Anonymous said...

Love this story...so that's where I get it! Ask Brian & Kath...I'd NEVER admit being hurt even if I was CUT OR BLEEDING I'd try to act like it was no big deal
- a KELLY kid

tony b said...

I wonder who this could be (Tim)?